Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsFeedback Sign inCtrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.All software1FilterClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords449Program languages117Licenses231273-84 of 325MapReaderMapReader is an end-to-end computer vision (CV) pipeline for exploring and analyzing images at scale.computer visiondigital humanitiesgeospatial+ 4Jupyter NotebookPythonTeX76MUSCLE3MUSCLE3 is a coupling library for building multiscale simulations out of single-scale models.High performance computingMulti-scale & multi model simulationsFortranC++Python+ 246PSSMGenGenerates consistent PSSM and PDB files for protein-protein complexesBig dataHigh performance computingOptimized data handlingPythonMakefile26PuReGoMeAnalyzes social media messages for polarity and stance towards governmental COVID-19 measuresMachine learningSocial mediaJupyter NotebookPythonShell363D Slicer3D Slicer is a free, open source software for visualization, processing, segmentation, registration, and analysis of medical, biomedical, and other 3D images and meshes; and planning and navigating image-guided procedures.3D3DSlicerExtension+ 7C++PythonCMake+ 545MagnumPI - Potential IntegratorA package for the calculation of scattering angles and cross sections.Inter-operability & linked dataVisualizationC++MathematicaPython+ 265cffconvertCommand line tool to convert CITATION.cff files to various formats used by reference managers such as Zotero and JabRef.PythonTeXHTML+ 154evidencedoc2vec-based assisted close reading with support for abstract concept-based search and context-based search Text analysis & natural language processingTypeScriptGoJupyter Notebook+ 594howfairisCommand line tool to analyze a git repository's compliance with the fair-software.eu recommendations.HTMLPythonShell+ 174Lightning Lightning: Fast data processing using GPUs on distributed platforms Big dataGPUHigh performance computingRustC++Python24LUELUE is software for storing and manipulating large amounts of information for large numbers of objects. The software is useful, and currently mainly used, in the context of environmental modelling of biological and physical systems, represented by agents and fields.Agent-based modelingenvironmental modellingfield based modelling+ 6C++PythonCMake+ 634mexcaCapture emotion expressions from video, audio, and text with a single pipeline.Audio processingImage processingMachine learning+ 1PythonDockerfileShell541…678…28