Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsFeedback Sign inCtrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.All software1FilterClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords141Program languages90Licenses131213-24 of 81Research Software DirectoryA content management system for research software, which promotes the visibility, reuse, and impact of research software.FAIRResearch Software ImpactSoftware CitationTypeScriptJavaPLpgSQL+ 72538OMUSEA Python environment to interface and couple oceanographic and other earth system model codes.High performance computingMulti-scale & multi model simulationsFortranPythonHTML+ 10825HyperCannyFinds edges in high-dimensional data using the Canny algorithm.High performance computingC++CPython+ 3124TwiqsSoftware behind the web server twiqs.nl, which has provided free access to statistics about Dutch tweets since 2010Big dataText analysis & natural language processingVisualizationPerlJavaHTML+ 3120Inseq Interpretability for sequence generation models 🐛 🔍 deep learningExplainable AIgenerative models+ 2PythonMakefileDockerfile018pbg-ldAccess integrated data on genes and associated traits in plantsData AnalysisgenomicsInter-operability & linked dataPLpgSQLShellPython+ 2416LinkAheadOpen Source Research Data Management SoftwareDataETLInter-operability & linked data+ 4JavaShellPython+ 2612DALESDALES is a large-eddy simulation code designed for studies of the physics of the atmospheric boundary layer, including convective and stable boundary layers as well as cloudy boundary layers. FortranCTeX+ 82411FastMLCDetect clusters in for example large collections of DNA or protein sequences, and visualize the results in a web browser.Big dataMachine learningVisualizationC++CMakefile+ 5511MDStudioA tool to run molecular dynamics workflows.High performance computingReal time data analysisWorkflow technologiesPythonCSSTypeScript+ 5410pdb2sqlFast and versatile Python package that leverages SQL queries to parse, manipulate and process biomolecular structure files. The structure files should be in the PDB format and are available on www.rcsb.org.Big dataOptimized data handlingPythonTeXMakefile28DoE2VecDoE2Vec is a self-supervised approach to learn exploratory landscape analysis features from design of experiments. The model can be used for downstream meta-learning tasks such as learninig which optimizer works best on a given optimization landscape. Machine learningoptimizationpythonPythonRMakefile171234567