Python library for YAML type inference, schema checking and syntactic sugar.
MUSCLE3 is a coupling library for building multiscale simulations out of single-scale models.
MUSCLE3 is the third incarnation of the MUSCLE Multiscale Coupling Library and Environment. It is developed by the e-MUSC project of the University of Amsterdam and the Netherlands eScience Center.
MUSCLE3 scales all the way from a simple model in a single Python file running on your laptop to a complex multiscale simulation comprising multiple models written in different programming languages running on an HPC machine. Existing models can be connected with minimal modification.
Additional repositories:
Reproducibility for digital-twin simulations in astrophysics
Development of the European fusion reactor simulation framework for experimental design, optimization, and control
Sustaining and improving the MUSCLE3 model coupling framework
Model Coupling for Digital Twins
Coupling physics and engineering codes for the experimental fusion reactor ITER
Optimizing the Tissue Simulation Toolkit
Enhancing multiscale computing with sensitivity analysis and uncertainty quantification
Python library for YAML type inference, schema checking and syntactic sugar.