Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsFeedback Sign inCtrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.Software HighlightsBrowse all HighlightsAll software1FilterClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords65Program languages26Licenses9Items121-12 of 21splithalfrEstimates split-half reliabilities for scoring algorithms of cognitive tasks and questionnaires.Data AnalysisStatisticsR193 PanToolsPanTools is a pangenomic toolkit for comparative analysis of large number of genomes. It is developed in the Bioinformatics Group of Wageningen University, the Netherlands. Please cite the relevant publication(s) from the list of publications if you use PanTools in your research.Data AnalysisGene classificationpangenomicsJavaSnakemakePython+ 1331HyperCannyFinds edges in high-dimensional data using the Canny algorithm.Data Analysisedge detectionHigh performance computingC++CPython+ 3126swyftswyft is the official implementation of Truncated Marginal Neural Ratio Estimation, a hyper-efficient, simulation-based inference technique for complex data and expensive simulators.Bayesian InferenceData AnalysisJupyter NotebookPython522pbg-ldAccess integrated data on genes and associated traits in plantsData AnalysisgenomicsInter-operability & linked dataPLpgSQLShellPython+ 2416COVID-19 Integrated Surveillance Data in ItalyCOVID-19 integrated surveillance data provided by the Italian National Institute of Health and processed via UnrollingAverages.jl to deconvolve the weekly simple moving averages.Clinical DataComputational EpidemiologyCOVID-19+ 16JuliaTeXPython213jaspProcessA JASP implementation of the PROCESS macro for SPSSData AnalysisStatisticsVisualizationRQML27PIQMIeA web tool for mass spectrometry-based proteomics data analysesData Analysismass spectrometryOptimized data handling+ 2HTMLJavaScriptPython+ 315AstronomicALAn interactive dashboard for visualisation, integration and classification of data using Active Learning.Active LearningClassificationData Analysis+ 11PythonTeX13Introduction to Geospatial Raster and Vector Data with PythonThis lesson material shows how practical geospatial data analysis tasks can be carried out using PythonData AnalysisgeospatialImage processing+ 433PanVAVariant Analysis within Pangenomes.APIData AnalysispangenomicsVueTypeScriptPython+ 622CBRAINCBRAIN is a flexible Ruby on Rails framework for accessing and processing of large data on high-performance computing infrastructures.CBRAINclusterData Analysis+ 6RubyHTMLJavaScript+ 314112