
Rosemary is a plugin for YASGUI (Yet Another SPARQL GUI), facilitating creation of SPARQL queries without requiring knowledge of SPARQL.

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What Rosemary can do for you

What if developers and researchers could interact with Linked Data in their applications and analyses as they would any RESTful API, no Linked Data or SPARQL knowledge required?

Rosemary is a plugin for Yasgui facilitating creation of SPARQL queries without requiring knowledge of SPARQL.


Rosemary is a proof of concept. It currently does not support the full expressivity of SPARQL (only a restricted subset of SELECT queries) and that is not the intention. It is a tool which can be useful to developers and researchers unfamiliar with Linked Data technologies for:

  1. discovering and exploring what data is in a public Linked Data store,
  2. constructing custom Linked Data queries to retrieve data for:
    1. software applications
    2. data analyses
    3. research projects


  1. Use rosemary to construct queries for retrieving relevant data from public Linked Data stores,
  2. Publish the queries on Github using grlc publisher,
  3. Convert them to RESTful APIs with grlc.

Participating organisations

Netherlands eScience Center
King's College London
Social Sciences & Humanities
Social Sciences & Humanities


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