Builds a web API from SPARQL queries hosted on GitHub to accessing triple store data.
A plugin for the YASGUI (Yet Another SPARQL GUI) platform which facilitates creation of SPARQL queries without requiring knowledge of SPARQL.
GRLC (pronounced garlic, is an open-source tool for converting SPARQL queries into web APIs which enables developers without knowledge of the Linked Data and SPARQL ecosystem to make use of public Linked Data in their applications and analyses.
In order to promote the wider adoption and usage of GRLC we developed a tool called Rosemary, a plugin for the YASGUI online SPARQL editor, to facilitate semi-automated construction of SPARQL queries. This allows developers and users unfamiliar with the Linked Data ecosystem to explore and query Linked Data without knowing its query language - SPARQL.
After using rosemary to identify the Linked Data they want to retrieve, they can use GRLC to convert these queries to web APIs to interface with their applications and analyses.
Towards integration of tools for CLARIAH's linked open data
Prediction of candidate genes for traits using interoperable genome annotations
Interacting with historical events in linked cultural heritage
Builds a web API from SPARQL queries hosted on GitHub to accessing triple store data.
Rosemary is a plugin for YASGUI (Yet Another SPARQL GUI), facilitating creation of SPARQL queries without requiring knowledge of SPARQL.