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Builds a web API from SPARQL queries hosted on GitHub to accessing triple store data.
We are using the grlc for our work on the Human Reference Atlas ( It has been super helpful for quickly sharing queries with folks who may not care so much about RDF, ontologies, and related core technologies and just want a simple web API to get data. This allows us to have a rich knowledge graph that we and others could query with SPARQL and the like, but also have a higher level abstraction for ease of use on the other end.
A plugin for the YASGUI (Yet Another SPARQL GUI) platform which facilitates creation of SPARQL queries without requiring knowledge of SPARQL.
LInking NOtes of NAturE
Towards integration of tools for CLARIAH's linked open data
Vast amounts of data to improve cancer treatment decisions
Prediction of candidate genes for traits using interoperable genome annotations
Interacting with historical events in linked cultural heritage