Jesus Garcia Gonzalez
Fusible evolutionary deep neural network mixture learning from distributed data for robust medical...
- Image processing
- Machine learning
- Visualization
Enhance Your Research Alliance (EYRA) Benchmark Platform
Supporting researchers to easily set-up benchmarks
- Workflow technologies
Visualizing storylines of climate impacts
- Climate change
- Extreme weather
- Visualization
Emotion Recognition in Dementia
Advancing technology for multimodal analysis of emotion expression in everyday life
- Visualization
- Workflow technologies
COVID-19 Grand Challenge
Assessing the suspicion and severity of COVID-19 in a CT scan
- Data
- open data
- Research Platform
Ruisdael on display
Interactive visualization of the Ruisdael observatory
- Big data
- Visualization
Adoption and maintenance of cffinit
Increase adoption by creating more hands-on tutorials, promoting the app on multiple platforms, and gathering more feedback.
- citation metadata
- Software Citation
A smartwatch software for measuring play with a data-driven, interdisciplinary approach
- Data
- smart devices
An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Comparing Text Versions
- Literary criticism
- Text analysis & natural language processing
- Textual Criticism
- + 1
FAIR AI validation and quality control
Mining the past to protect the future Diarrheal disease burden in a climate-uncertain future
- Text Mining