Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsFeedback Sign inCtrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.All software1FilterClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords49Program languages57Licenses8Items1213-24 of 49KNIME PLANTSA node for the KNIME workflow system that allows you to use the PLANTS protein-ligand docking algorithm.Workflow technologiesJavaMustache133KNIME Python node archetypeWant to write your own KNIME node wrapping a Python library. Then use the KNIME Python node archetype to generate a node skeleton repository with sample codeBig dataWorkflow technologiesJavaPython133KNIME Python wrapperIf you are developing a KNIME node which calls some Python code, then the KNIME Python wrapper can help you.Workflow technologiesJavaPython133KNIME molecule viewer nodesA 3D viewer for large molecules for the KNIME workflow system.VisualizationWorkflow technologiesJavaJavaScriptCSS233KNIME ss-TEA nodeA node for the KNIME workflow systems that allows you to identify which residue position in a big protein sequence alignment is specific to ligand binding.Workflow technologiesJava133sv-callersHighly portable parallel workflow to detect structural variants in cancer genomes.Big dataHigh performance computingWorkflow technologiesPythonShell432APEA CLI, Java API and RESTful API for the automated generation of computational pipelines (scientific workflows) from large collections of computational tools.JavaProgram synthesisWorkflow technologiesJavaANTLR525LinkAheadOpen Source Research Data Management SoftwareDataETLInter-operability & linked data+ 4JavaShellPython+ 2612MDStudioA tool to run molecular dynamics workflows.High performance computingReal time data analysisWorkflow technologiesPythonCSSTypeScript+ 5410NoodlesTask-based parallel programming model in Python that offers the same intuitive interface when running complex workflows on your laptop or on large computer clusters. High performance computingWorkflow technologiesJupyter NotebookPythonShell+ 294nanomeshPython workflow tool for generating meshes from 2D and 3D microscopy image data Image processingVisualizationWorkflow technologiesJupyter NotebookPythonShell+ 133SyGMaSyGMa provides fast and lightweight predictions of human metabolites to support discovery scientists design better and safer drugs Workflow technologiesPython2212345