Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsFeedback Sign inCtrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.All software1FilterClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords187Program languages82Licenses171273-84 of 97i-VRESSE jupyterlab haddock3 configuratorJupter Lab extension to create/edit haddock3 configuration file.Inter-operability & linked dataTypeScriptPythonJavaScript+ 110JupyterLab dataset browser for THREDDSA browser that allows you to include NetCDF data stored in THREDDS catalog into a Jupyter Notebook.Big dataOptimized data handlingPythonTypeScriptJupyter Notebook+ 220JURIJURI (Jülich Reporting Interface) provides a template-driven fully client-based web framework to visualise data lists and associated data graphs.JavaScriptHTMLCSS+ 530LXCatAn open-access website for collecting, displaying, and downloading electron and ion scattering cross sections for modeling low temperature plasmas.Optimized data handlingTypeScriptRustCSS+ 250NanopubJLJupyterLab extension to aid in searching and publishing of Nanopublications in a python notebook Inter-operability & linked dataTypeScriptPythonJavaScript+ 320Nature CountsThe NatureCounts platform allows users to collect, archive, interpret and access wildlife data to advance the understanding of bird populations across the Western Hemisphere.bird monitoringconservation scienceopen dataRCSS20NEWSGAC platformSoftware for running the online platform of the NEWSGAC project for running explainable machine learning models on textual dataExplainable AIMachine learningText analysis & natural language processingJupyter NotebookPythonHTML+ 430NunaliitThe Nunaliit Atlas Framework aims to make it easy to tell stories and highlight relationships between many different forms of information from a variety of sources, using maps as a central way to connect and interact with the data.atlascartographydatabase+ 6JavaScriptJavaHTML+ 910OBiBa AgateAgate is a web application that offers users related services to the OBiBa software stack.authenticationEpidemiologyJavaFreeMarkerJavaScript+ 680OBiBa MicaMica is OBiBa's software application that is used to create data web portals for large-scale epidemiological studies or multiple-study consortia.euCanSHare, software integrationJavaJavaScriptFreeMarker+ 680OpenDAOpen data assimilation toolbox. OpenDA is an open interface standard for a set of tools to quickly implement data-assimilation and calibration for arbitrary numerical models.Optimized data handlingJavaFortranPython+ 2240Orange HackathonOrange modules for text processing in the project What Works When for WhomJupyter NotebookPythonCSS+ 2301…56789