Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsFeedback Sign inCtrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.All software1FilterClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords326Program languages111Licenses201237-48 of 202ChemSpaX: A Python tool for local chemical space explorationChemSpaX is a Python package that can be used for local chemical space exploration of any structure. This is done by placing substuents on a pre-defined skeleton. A substituent can be chosen from an existing library and can be attached to the skeleton.catalysisChemistrypythonPythonShell38TraP: The LOFAR Transients Pipeline The LOFAR Transients Pipeline (or "TraP") is a Python and SQL based system for detecting and responding to transient and variable sources in a stream of astronomical images.Image processingradio astronomySource association+ 3PythonPLpgSQLMako+ 168ece2cmor3Process EC-Earth output to publish for CMIP6 Big dataHigh performance computingOptimized data handlingShellPython27Turing Data Safe HavenData Safe Haven is an open-source framework for creating Trusted Research Environments (TREs) to analyse sensitive data. It provides a set of scripts that will allow you to deploy, administer and use your own TRE on Microsoft Azure cloud.Cloudcloud storageInfrastructure as code+ 3PythonShellJinja+ 3297xtasthe eXtensible Text Analysis SuiteText analysis & natural language processingPythonShellJava27AMUSECombine existing numerical codes in an easy to use Python framework. With AMUSE you can simulate objects such as star clusters, proto-planetary disks and galaxies.High performance computingMulti-scale & multi model simulationsWorkflow technologiesCFortranPython+ 26663D Slicer3D Slicer is a free, open source software for visualization, processing, segmentation, registration, and analysis of medical, biomedical, and other 3D images and meshes; and planning and navigating image-guided procedures.3D3DSlicerExtension+ 7C++PythonCMake+ 545cffinitA web form to initialize CITATION.cff files which you can use to include citation information into your software repository.Software CitationTypeScriptVueJavaScript+ 374eAstroVizThis tool can convert and visualize radio astronomy measurement sets, as well as most LOFAR intermediate data products. It also performs RFI mitigation.LOFARradio astronomyRFIJavaC++Cuda+ 314evidencedoc2vec-based assisted close reading with support for abstract concept-based search and context-based search Text analysis & natural language processingTypeScriptGoJupyter Notebook+ 594howfairisCommand line tool to analyze a git repository's compliance with the fair-software.eu recommendations.HTMLPythonShell+ 174LUELUE is software for storing and manipulating large amounts of information for large numbers of objects. The software is useful, and currently mainly used, in the context of environmental modelling of biological and physical systems, represented by agents and fields.Agent-based modelingenvironmental modellingfield based modelling+ 6C++PythonCMake+ 63412345…17