Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsFeedback Sign inCtrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.All software0FiltersClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords683Program languages132Licenses351225-36 of 510TraP: The LOFAR Transients Pipeline The LOFAR Transients Pipeline (or "TraP") is a Python and SQL based system for detecting and responding to transient and variable sources in a stream of astronomical images.Image processingradio astronomySource association+ 3PythonPLpgSQLMako+ 1692GrainLearningUnsure about the parameters of your grains in a computer simulation? Use Iterative Bayesian Filtering to learn parameter distributions from limited data. Is your model running slowly? Speed up your simulations with machine-learning surrogates. All these features are integrated within GrainLearning.Bayesian InferenceData assimilationMachine learning+ 2Jupyter NotebookPythonPureBasic+ 1388DeepRankDeep learning framework for data mining protein-protein interactions using CNNBig dataMachine learningOptimized data handlingPythonRC+ 2887splithalfrEstimates split-half reliabilities for scoring algorithms of cognitive tasks and questionnaires.Data AnalysisStatisticsR186grlcBuilds a web API from SPARQL queries hosted on GitHub to accessing triple store data.garlicInter-operability & linked dataPythonHTMLTeX+ 4379iScoreA framework and predictor based on support vector machine and random walk graph kernel for scoring protein-protein interfaces. Big dataMachine learningProtein-Protein InteractionPythonCudaMakefile+ 1478TwiqsSoftware behind the web server twiqs.nl, which has provided free access to statistics about Dutch tweets since 2010Big dataText analysis & natural language processingVisualizationPerlJavaHTML+ 3175ScholiaGraphical User Interface around Wikidata that uses SPARQL to collect dataWikidataJavaScriptPythonHTML+ 3472GlotaranGlotaran: A Java-Based Graphical User Interface for the R Package TIMPglobal analysistarget analysistime-resolved spectroscopyJavaHTML256PROTEUSPROTEUS is a Python framework that simulates the coupled evolution of the atmospheres and interiors of rocky planets.Exoplanetsmodel couplingJupyter NotebookPythonJulia+ 11355dtscalibrationA Python package to load raw Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) files, perform a calibration, and plot the result.calibrationDTSfiber optic+ 1PythonJupyter Notebook252QMflowsConstruction and efficient execution of computational chemistry workflows.Multi-scale & multi model simulationsWorkflow technologiesPythonJupyter NotebookShell35212345…43