Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsFeedback Sign inCtrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.All software1FilterClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords174Program languages69Licenses151213-24 of 97TwiqsSoftware behind the web server twiqs.nl, which has provided free access to statistics about Dutch tweets since 2010Big dataText analysis & natural language processingVisualizationPerlJavaHTML+ 3120StoryTellerStoryTeller is a web application for visual analysis of textual data which can show you the connections between storylines, participants and other entities in complex humanities data.VisualizationJavaScriptHTMLCSS218Case Law AppWeb application for exploring the citation network of Dutch court decisions.Text analysis & natural language processingVisualizationJavaScriptCSSHTML416DiveInteractively explore millions of 2D and 3D data points in your browser, without the need to install anything.Big dataMachine learningVisualizationHTMLJavaScriptCSS+ 1216compareMS2compareMS2 is a tool for direct comparison of tandem mass spectrometry datasets, typically from liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), defining a distance as a function of the share of similar spectra. Applications span biomedicine, phylogenetics, forensics and food science.Forensicsmass spectrometryphylogenetics+ 1JavaScriptCHTML+ 2214TexcavatorTexcavator is a search engine and text mining application for creating word cloud and time line visualizations of large text corpora.Text analysis & natural language processingVisualizationJavaScriptPythonHTML+ 1214MDStudioA tool to run molecular dynamics workflows.High performance computingReal time data analysisWorkflow technologiesPythonCSSTypeScript+ 5410eEcology Annotation ToolVisualize and annotate GPS measurements of bird movements.Inter-operability & linked dataVisualizationHTMLPythonMako+ 516SPOTSPOT is an interactive visualization tool for multi-dimensional data. It allows quick analysis of complex datasets and easy identification of correlations between variables.Big dataVisualizationJavaScriptPugStylus+ 2263D Slicer3D Slicer is a free, open source software for visualization, processing, segmentation, registration, and analysis of medical, biomedical, and other 3D images and meshes; and planning and navigating image-guided procedures.3D3DSlicerExtension+ 7C++PythonCMake+ 545eEecology ClassificationAutomatic classification of accelerometer data using a supervised learning approach.Machine learningJavaJavaScriptHTML+ 315cffinitA web form to initialize CITATION.cff files which you can use to include citation information into your software repository.Software CitationTypeScriptVueJavaScript+ 37412345…9