Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsFeedback Sign inCtrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.All software1FilterClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords136Program languages87Licenses151213-24 of 48DALESDALES is a large-eddy simulation code designed for studies of the physics of the atmospheric boundary layer, including convective and stable boundary layers as well as cloudy boundary layers. FortranCTeX+ 82411ExploreASLExploreASL is a pipeline and toolbox for image processing and statistics of arterial spin labeling perfusion MR images. It is designed as a multi-OS, open-source, collaborative framework that facilitates cross-pollination between image processing method developers and clinical investigators.ASLImage processingMRIMATLABCPython711FastMLCDetect clusters in for example large collections of DNA or protein sequences, and visualize the results in a web browser.Big dataMachine learningVisualizationC++CMakefile+ 5511MUSCLE3MUSCLE3 is a coupling library for building multiscale simulations out of single-scale models.High performance computingMulti-scale & multi model simulationsFortranC++Python+ 4463D Slicer3D Slicer is a free, open source software for visualization, processing, segmentation, registration, and analysis of medical, biomedical, and other 3D images and meshes; and planning and navigating image-guided procedures.3D3DSlicerExtension+ 7C++PythonCMake+ 545TIMPTIMP is an R package for fitting superposition models that implements the partitioned variable projection algorithm. The package has been extensively applied to modeling spectroscopy and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM) datasets. It serves as the backend for the Glotaran software.global analysistarget analysistime-resolved spectroscopyRC25eAstroVizThis tool can convert and visualize radio astronomy measurement sets, as well as most LOFAR intermediate data products. It also performs RFI mitigation.LOFARradio astronomyRFIJavaC++Cuda+ 314LUELUE is software for storing and manipulating large amounts of information for large numbers of objects. The software is useful, and currently mainly used, in the context of environmental modelling of biological and physical systems, represented by agents and fields.Agent-based modelingenvironmental modellingfield based modelling+ 6C++PythonCMake+ 634WEARDAWEARDA: recording wearable sensor data for human activity monitoring. embedded softwareGPSHuman activity monitoring+ 4CTeX24SlicerRTSlicerRT allows users to analyze spatio-temporal accumulation of the therapeutic dosage (radiation, thermal, etc.). Tools include dose visualization, quantitative metrics computation, comparison, and import/export to DICOM format.C++PythonCMake+ 133AnalizoAnalizo is a free, multi-language, extensible source code analysis. It supports the extraction and calculation of a fair number of source code metrics, generation of dependency graphs, and software evolution analysis.Software EvolutionSource Code MetricsStatic AnalysisPerlC++C+ 721MahiruA prototype for a federated, distributed data sharing and processing system.Data processingData SharingPolicies+ 1PythonMakefileDockerfile+ 2211234