All projects
Scalable high-fidelity simulations of reacting multiphase flows at transcritical pressure
Solving a scalability problem through dynamic multi-level parallelization
- Computational Chemistry
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
- High performance computing
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Explainable AI For Predictive Maintenance
- Explainable AI
- Machine learning
- Predictive Maintenance
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Data mining tools for abrupt climate change
Updating our knowledge on abrupt climate change
Enhance Your Research Alliance (EYRA) Benchmark Platform
Supporting researchers to easily set-up benchmarks
- Workflow technologies
Detecting Anomalous Behavior in Stadium Crowds
Location analytics based on data collected with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth sensors in the Amsterdam ArenA
- Big data
Perfect Fit
Targeting key risk factors for cardiovascular disease in at-risk individuals using a personalized and adaptive approach
- Big data
- Machine learning
Enhancing Protein-Drug Binding Prediction
Combining molecular simulation and eScience technologies
- Computational Chemistry
- Graphs
- molecular dynamics
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Remote sensing of damage feedbacks and ice shelf instability in Antarctica
Using remote sensing to develop damage indicators across all Antarctic ice shelves
- Big data
- Climate change
- Data Analysis
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Pillarization and depillarization tested in digitized media historical sources
- Text analysis & natural language processing
Visualizing storylines of climate impacts
- Climate change
- Extreme weather
- Visualization
Resilience and Cyber Security of Integrated Cyber-Physical Energy Systems
- Cyber-security
- Game theory
- Human-computer interaction
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Coronary artery disease: risk estimations and interventions for prevention and Early detection
- Big data
- federated learning
- Machine learning