All projects
Virtual Research Environment for Integrative Modelling of Biomolecular Complexes
- High performance computing
- Multi-scale & multi model simulations
- Workflow technologies
Parallelisation of multi point-cloud registration via multi-core and GPU for localization microscopy
Studying subcellular structures and functions
Classifying activity types
Gaining insights from wearable movement sensors
- Data Analysis
Fusible evolutionary deep neural network mixture learning from distributed data for robust medical...
- Image processing
- Machine learning
- Visualization
A sustainable infrastructure for translational medical research
- Workflow technologies
FAIR is as FAIR does
Integrating data publishing principles in scientific workflows
- Workflow technologies
The Virtual Laboratory for Plant Breeding
- bioinformatics
- infrastructure
- Workflow technologies
What Works When for Whom?
Advancing therapy change process research
- Machine learning
- Text analysis & natural language processing
Visual Storytelling of Big Imaging Data
Storytelling as a means of visual data communication
- Provenance
- Visualization
- Workflow technologies
Enhancing Protein-Drug Binding Prediction
Combining molecular simulation and eScience technologies
- Computational Chemistry
- Graphs
- molecular dynamics
- + 1
Perfect Fit
Targeting key risk factors for cardiovascular disease in at-risk individuals using a personalized and adaptive approach
- Big data
- Machine learning
Prediction of candidate genes for traits using interoperable genome annotations
- Inter-operability & linked data
- Text analysis & natural language processing