The eWaterCycle package makes it easier to use hydrological models without having intimate knowledge about how to install and run the models.
Teaching hydrology using eWaterCycle
Students studying the water cycle benefit a lot from using hydrological models. Teachers at the universities involved in this project want students to be able to use hydrological models and datasets from other institutes as well. By leveraging the work that has already been done for eWaterCycle, we can make open educational material (hydrological models, assignments and teaching resources) that is shared between the Dutch hydrology community.
This project is a continuation of the work that has already been done in developing eWaterCycle. For more information see the eWaterCycle RSD page.
Overcoming the challenge of locality using a community multi-model environment
Global water information when it matters
The eWaterCycle package makes it easier to use hydrological models without having intimate knowledge about how to install and run the models.
Codified instructions for deploying the eWaterCycle platform on the SURF Research Cloud.
A Python BMI leaky bucket model 🪣