A European community Earth-System Model
Arctic impact on weather and climate
Blue-Action is a 5-year European project of Horizon 2020 Blue Growth coordinated by the Danish Meteorological Institute with 41 partners. The objective of the project is to actively improve our ability to describe, model, and predict Arctic climate change and its impact on Northern Hemisphere climate, weather and their extremes, and to deliver valuated climate services of societal benefit.
A transdisciplinary approach
Blue-Action will provide fundamental and empirically-grounded, executable science that quantifies and explains the role of a changing Arctic in increasing predictive capability of weather and climate of the Northern Hemisphere.To achieve this Blue- Action will take a transdisciplinary approach, bridging scientific understanding within Arctic climate, weather and risk management research, with key stakeholder knowledge of the impacts of climatic weather extremes and hazardous events; leading to the co-design of better services.
This bridge will build on innovative statistical and dynamical approaches to predict weather and climate extremes. In dialogue with users, Blue-Arctic will take stock in existing knowledge about cross-sectoral impacts and vulnerabilities with respect to the occurrence of these events when associated to weather and climate predictions. Modeling and prediction capabilities will be enhanced by targeting firstly, lower latitude oceanic and atmospheric drivers of regional Arctic changes and secondly, Arctic impacts on Northern Hemisphere climate and weather extremes. Coordinated multi-model experiments will be key to test new higher resolution model configurations, innovative methods to reduce forecast error, and advanced methods to improve uptake of new Earth observations assets are planned. Blue-Action thereby demonstrates how such an uptake may assist in creating better optimized observation system for various modelling applications.
Improved robust and reliable forecasting
The improved robust and reliable forecasting can help meteorological and climate services to better deliver tailored predictions and advice, including sub-seasonal to seasonal time scales, will take Arctic climate prediction beyond seasons and to teleconnections over the Northern Hemisphere. Blue-Action will through its concerted efforts therefore contribute to the improvement of climate models to represent Arctic warming realistically and address its impact on regional and global atmospheric and oceanic circulation.
Project website:
Blue-Action is funded by the EU Horizon 2020 Programme and specifically by the Blue-Growth BG-10-2016 call “Impact of Arctic changes on the weather and climate of the Northern Hemisphere”.The Blue-Action project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 727852. The Netherlands eScience Center partially co-funded its participation.
Delivering a pangenome approach that drastically improves the analytical power on plant data
Global vegetation water dynamics using radar satellite data
Chasing shadows to investigate glacier change worldwide
Using remote sensing to develop damage indicators across all Antarctic ice shelves
Visualizing storylines of climate impacts
For future exascale climate and weather predictions
Modelling sea level and inundation for cyclones
Overcoming the challenge of locality using a community multi-model environment
Coupling an implicit low-resolution model to an explicit high-resolution ocean model
An innovative European regional ensemble climate prediction system
Updating our knowledge on abrupt climate change
Metrics and Access to Global Indices for Climate Projections
Process-based climate simulation: advances in high-resolution modelling and European climate risk...
The country below sea level
Showcasing an extreme high resolution climate simulation
Predicting local sea level changes
A European community Earth-System Model