Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsFeedback Sign inCtrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.All software1FilterClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords326Program languages111Licenses201297-108 of 202sirupSirup is an open-source Python package that makes it easy to connect to, and rotate across, VPN servers provided by services such as ProtonVPN and Surfshark. ip-rotationopenvpnpython+ 1PythonShell11snakemake-wrfA snakemake workflow to run WRF, including pre- and postprocessing. See our blog post for a detailed description.geospatialHigh performance computingpython+ 1Jupyter NotebookPythonShell21UmpleUmple allows generation of code in Java, PHP and other languages from a textual representation of UML state machines, associations and other modeling constructs, thus saving coding effortCode GenerationSoftware ModelingState Machines+ 1JavaJavaScriptGAP+ 17141WRF-runnerSimple shell script to run a complete WPS/WRF experiment in one goclimateForecastingworkflow+ 1Shell21AbinitAbinit is a software package based on density functional theory for calculating the properties of solids.FortranPythonM4+ 1530Aiida-CHAMPThe aiida-champ plugin to handle the CHAMP workflow using AiiDA.pythonworkflowPythonShell10aiproteomicsGenerate and compare deep learning models for generating synthetic mass spectral librariesMachine learningmass spectrometryphosphoproteomics+ 1Jupyter NotebookPythonShell10AnatransA collection of analytical and semi-semianalytical solutions for hydrogeological transport phenomenaMulti-scale & multi model simulationspythonPythonShell40Arctic Web MapArctic Web Map (AWM) is an Arctic-specific web mapping tool allowing researchers to customize map projections for scientifically accurate visualization and analysis, a function that is critical for arctic research but missing in existing web mapping platforms.data collectionpythonwildlifePythonJavaScriptCSS+ 120asrlitcompareA tool written in rmarkdown for assessing the level of agreement between two raters following screening in ASReview. Users only need the two .csv files downloaded from ASReview, and the tool will automatically compile a summary report as an HTML file, viewable in your web browser.ASReviewinter-rater reliabilityliterature screening+ 1HTMLC++JavaScript+ 1420BIOMEROa scalable and extensible image analysis frameworkbiaflowsbioimagingbiomero+ 9PythonShellDockerfile10c3s-magic-wpsWeb Processing Service for Climate Data Analysis in the MAGIC project.PythonMakefileShell+ 1501…8910…17