Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsFeedback Sign inCtrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.All software1FilterClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords174Program languages69Licenses151273-84 of 97i-VRESSE jupyterlab haddock3 configuratorJupter Lab extension to create/edit haddock3 configuration file.Inter-operability & linked dataTypeScriptPythonJavaScript+ 110JupyterLab dataset browser for THREDDSA browser that allows you to include NetCDF data stored in THREDDS catalog into a Jupyter Notebook.Big dataOptimized data handlingPythonTypeScriptJupyter Notebook+ 220JURIJURI (Jülich Reporting Interface) provides a template-driven fully client-based web framework to visualise data lists and associated data graphs.JavaScriptHTMLCSS+ 530LXCatAn open-access website for collecting, displaying, and downloading electron and ion scattering cross sections for modeling low temperature plasmas.Optimized data handlingTypeScriptRustCSS+ 250NanopubJLJupyterLab extension to aid in searching and publishing of Nanopublications in a python notebook Inter-operability & linked dataTypeScriptPythonJavaScript+ 320NEWSGAC platformSoftware for running the online platform of the NEWSGAC project for running explainable machine learning models on textual dataExplainable AIMachine learningText analysis & natural language processingJupyter NotebookPythonHTML+ 430NunaliitThe Nunaliit Atlas Framework aims to make it easy to tell stories and highlight relationships between many different forms of information from a variety of sources, using maps as a central way to connect and interact with the data.atlascartographydatabase+ 6JavaScriptJavaHTML+ 910OBiBa AgateAgate is a web application that offers users related services to the OBiBa software stack.authenticationEpidemiologyJavaFreeMarkerJavaScript+ 680OBiBa MicaMica is OBiBa's software application that is used to create data web portals for large-scale epidemiological studies or multiple-study consortia.euCanSHare, software integrationJavaJavaScriptFreeMarker+ 680OBiBa OpalOpal is OBiBa's core data repository application for epidemiological studies. euCanSHare, software integrationJavaVueTypeScript+ 880oTree Demo ExperimentsoTree demo experiment: Public goods gameoTreeHTMLPythonJavaScript+ 100oTree Waiting RoomA load balancer for oTree servers.oTreeJavaScriptHTMLShell001…56789