Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsFeedback Sign inCtrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.All software1FilterClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords43Program languages39Licenses81225-36 of 37JupyterLab dataset browser for THREDDSA browser that allows you to include NetCDF data stored in THREDDS catalog into a Jupyter Notebook.Big dataOptimized data handlingPythonTypeScriptJupyter Notebook+ 220LXCatAn open-access website for collecting, displaying, and downloading electron and ion scattering cross sections for modeling low temperature plasmas.Optimized data handlingTypeScriptRustCSS+ 250NanopubJLJupyterLab extension to aid in searching and publishing of Nanopublications in a python notebook Inter-operability & linked dataTypeScriptPythonJavaScript+ 320OBiBa OpalOpal is OBiBa's core data repository application for epidemiological studies. euCanSHare, software integrationJavaVueTypeScript+ 880Overture ArrangerData can be messy, let Arranger organize it for you. JavaScriptTypeScriptCSS+ 310pdbtbx-tsWant to parse Protein Data Bank files in JavaScriptOptimized data handlingRustJavaScriptTypeScript20RadiamRadiam helps researchers keep track of their data, regardless of where it is stored. There are multiple components working together, and most of them run within Docker containers.metadataRDMPythonJavaScriptHTML+ 310GitHub action to set up apptainerGitHub action for setting up apptainer in a Continous Integration jobHigh performance computingTypeScriptShellJavaScript20Slurm time on JupyterDisplay Slurm job remaining time in Jupyter top barHigh performance computingjupyter notebooksSLURMPythonTypeScriptJavaScript+ 100SmartPlayAndroid OS Wear Application to measure children's activity when playing.PsychologyReal time data analysisVisualizationKotlinSvelteTypeScript+ 210TilbotAn open source, open science approach to the design of, and research with conversational agents.Text analysis & natural language processingSvelteJavaScriptTypeScript+ 210Virus SeqThe VirusSeq Data Portal is an open-source and open-access data portal for all Canadian SARS-CoV-2 sequences and associated non-personal contextual data. It harmonizes, validates and automates submission to international databases.COVID-19Data portalgenomics+ 1TypeScriptJavaScriptHTML+ 2101234