Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsFeedback Sign inCtrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.All software1FilterClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords343Program languages113Licenses2112169-180 of 212OpenSim CreatorA UI for building OpenSim modelsbiomechanical engineeringopensimSimulationC++GLSLCMake+ 520Orange HackathonOrange modules for text processing in the project What Works When for WhomJupyter NotebookPythonCSS+ 230oTree Development EnvironmentA Docker environment for programming against multiple oTree serveroTreeMakefileShellDockerfile20oTree Waiting RoomA load balancer for oTree servers.oTreeJavaScriptHTMLShell20Overture ArrangerData can be messy, let Arranger organize it for you. JavaScriptTypeScriptCSS+ 310Overture Data Management SystemOverture is a collection of open-source, extendable solutions for big-data genomic science that research institutions and individual researchers can use to support their work. authenticationcloud storagegenomics+ 2JavaShellDockerfile+ 120Overture EgoA stateless authorization and user management service.Data IndexingElasticsearch AutomationJavaShellMakefile+ 110Overture ScoreTransfer data quickly and easily to and from any cloud-based storage system.Cancer GenomicsCloud Storage & TransferJavaShellMakefile+ 110Overture SongQuickly and reliably track genome metadata scattered across multiple Cloud storage systems.Cancer GenomicsMetadata ManagementMetadata ValidationJavaPythonShell+ 510PanTools-pipeline-v4General purpose Snakemake pipeline for PanTools v4.Data AnalysisgenomicspangenomicsPythonDockerfileShell50Petri Nets on HyperledgerDecentralized coordination of multi-domain workflows using Hyperledger Fabric blockchain and Petri nets. BlockchainhyperledgerPetri net+ 1JavaScriptCSSHTML+ 100PowerSensor3PowerSensor is a low-cost, custom-built device that measures the instantaneous power consumption of GPUs and other devices at a high time resolution.GPUHigh performance computingCC++Python+ 3601…1415161718