Duqtools is a tool for Dynamic Uncertainty Quantification for Tokamak reactor simulations modelling.
Development of the European fusion reactor simulation framework for experimental design, optimization, and control
Fusion energy is a promising technology for high density, CO2-free energy production. The next generation of magnetic fusion experiments aims to demonstrate net energy gain for the first time. The increased complexity and scale of these experiments compared to present-day devices requires a leap in computational capabilities for predicting the behaviour of the fusion reactor plasma, magnets, and wall materials. This is vital for experimental performance optimization, plasma control, and safe reactor operation. Central to these efforts is how to efficiently design software that couples together different physics and engineering codes that separately describe parts of the interacting system, into a single and consistent description. Coupled with ongoing international efforts, this project implements methods and standards vital for a tokamak simulation suite which is modular, robust,easy to maintain, and with a user toolkit that enables efficient application for large numbers of simulations needed for designing experiments and assessing sensitivities.
This page covers two projects, eScince granted OEC21 project "Development of the European fusion reactor simulation framework for experimental design, optimization, and control" and the project "Beyond fusion reactor" jointly funded by Netherlands eScience Center and EU (via EUROfusion).
Coupling physics and engineering codes for the experimental fusion reactor ITER
Duqtools is a tool for Dynamic Uncertainty Quantification for Tokamak reactor simulations modelling.
Imas2xarray is a python library for reading IMAS data in hdf5 format into xarray.
MUSCLE3 is a coupling library for building multiscale simulations out of single-scale models.