All projects
Advanced Lung Image processing for personalized mechanical VEntilation
- Data Analysis
- Electrical impedance tomography
- Image processing
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Transformer-based deep learning for next generation mass spectrometry-based phosphoproteomics
- Machine learning
- Optimized data handling
Common Workflow Language
The reference CWL runner and other software from the Common Workflow Language open standards community.
- Big data
- High performance computing
- Standards
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Data quality in a distributed learning environment
Vast amounts of data to improve cancer treatment decisions
- Inter-operability & linked data
RDA Tiger
Research Data Alliance facilitation of Targeted International working Groups for EOSC-related Research solutions
- Research Software Impact
- software sustainability
Improving the vantage6 federated learning ecosystem
- Big data
- Data Analysis
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Artificial Intelligence for DNA barcode identification
- deep learning
- Taxonomy
A Lightpath for Optical Coherence Tomography imaging
Improvement of microscopic 3D images of tissue
- High performance computing
- Image processing
Advanced neuropsychological diagnostics infrastructure
Training Artificial Neural Networks to Uncover Behavioral Strategies in neuroscience
- Machine learning
Authoritative and Rapid Identification System for Essential biodiversity information
- biodiversity
- Data
- Ecology
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Facilitating the "Great Bake Off" of Bioinformatics Workflows
Workflomics: A platform for automated generation and workflow benchmarking in bioinformatics
- Inter-operability & linked data
- Workflow technologies