RDA Tiger

Research Data Alliance facilitation of Targeted International working Groups for EOSC-related Research solutions

The RDA TIGER aims to provide services to facilitate and support well-defined Working Groups between key European and international initiatives, resulting in concrete alignment, harmonisation, and standardisation of Open Science developments and technologies globally.

In particular the project will directly contribute to the European Open Science Cloud Partnership, by supporting (via the Working Groups) the international engagement and alignment of policies, technologies, methodologies, practices and other outputs of EOSC-
related and other European Open Science developments; and develop and offer a service platform for these Working Groups, effectively identifying key partners for the groups, and increasing their work efficiency by facilitation and other support actions and ultimately maximising the impact WG results have on the EOSC, global Open Science, and society.
RDA TIGER leverages the demonstrably effective instrument of community-driven RDA Working Groups and the foundations of EOSC, RDA, CODATA, Research Software Alliance (ReSA), and the Open Science movement in general, and provides a way to efficiently use the RDA platform for internationalisation and standardisation of research outputs that allow science to be reproducible and scrutinised.

RDA TIGER service platform includes planning, engagement, communication, facilitation and finalisation services to the Working Groups, maximising the WG outputs, and their impact. Most of the RDA TIGER services have been tested in one form or another in earlier RDA-related projects both in Europe and internationally, demonstrating that they are realistic and achievable. RDA TIGER’s ambition stems from the concentrated use of these services, together with systematic quality control and improvement mechanisms, and via the careful selection of Working Groups which will maximize the impacts relevant to the Work Programme.

Participating organisations

Research Data Alliance
Netherlands eScience Center
Comité de données pour la science et la technologie
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)


European support for RDA returns with a roar: RDA TIGER - the new support initiative for RDA Working Groups

Published by RDA in 2022


Rena Bakhshi
Programme Manager
Netherlands eScience Center
Simon Hodson
CODATA (Committee on Data of the International Science Council)
Laura Molloy
CODATA: Commission on Data of the International Council for Science
Maaike de Jong
Maaike de Jong
Community Manager
Netherlands eScience Center

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