Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsFeedback Sign inCtrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.All software1FilterClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords146Program languages76Licenses131273-84 of 97LokumDeploy GlusterFS, Docker, Spark and JupyterHub services on bare-metal cluster.Big dataHigh performance computingOptimized data handlingPythonHCLShell+ 210LXCatAn open-access website for collecting, displaying, and downloading electron and ion scattering cross sections for modeling low temperature plasmas.Optimized data handlingTypeScriptRustCSS+ 250marzipanDeploying clusters of VMs on bare metal using OpenNebula, provisioning, and running services made easy by fully configurable scalable automationHigh performance computingPythonDockerfileSmarty+ 120MPETThis software is designed to run simulations of batteries with porous electrodes using porous electrode theory, which is a volume-averaged, multiscale approach to capture the coupled behavior of electrolyte and active material within electrodesPythonDockerfile100NanopubJLJupyterLab extension to aid in searching and publishing of Nanopublications in a python notebook Inter-operability & linked dataTypeScriptPythonJavaScript+ 320oTree Development EnvironmentA Docker environment for programming against multiple oTree serveroTreeMakefileShellDockerfile00Overture Data Management SystemOverture is a collection of open-source, extendable solutions for big-data genomic science that research institutions and individual researchers can use to support their work. authenticationcloud storagegenomics+ 2JavaShellDockerfile+ 120Overture EgoA stateless authorization and user management service.Data IndexingElasticsearch AutomationJavaShellMakefile+ 110Overture MaestroOrganizing your distributed data into one index.Data IndexingElasticsearch AutomationJavaGroovyMakefile+ 110Overture ScoreTransfer data quickly and easily to and from any cloud-based storage system.Cancer GenomicsCloud Storage & TransferJavaShellMakefile+ 110Overture SongQuickly and reliably track genome metadata scattered across multiple Cloud storage systems.Cancer GenomicsMetadata ManagementMetadata ValidationJavaPythonShell+ 510PanTools-pipeline-v4General purpose Snakemake pipeline for PanTools v4.Data AnalysisgenomicspangenomicsPythonDockerfileShell501…56789