Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsFeedback Sign inCtrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.All software1FilterClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords78Program languages79Licenses141225-36 of 37Davidson diagonalization in FortranThis package contains a Modern Fortran implementation of the Davidson diagonalization algorithms to compute several eigenvalue-eigenvector pairs of a symmetric matrixHigh performance computingFortranCMakePython30grpc4bmiRun, read and write model state of a numerical simulation written in a variety of languages remotely from PythonMulti-scale & multi model simulationsPythonC++Dockerfile+ 540HPGEMhpGEM is a C++ partial differential equation solver. It is intended for Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Methods, but can also do normal (conforming) Finite Element Methods and Finite Volume.Finite ElementHigh performance computingC++CMakeTeX+ 640I-EMICAn Implicit Earth system Model of Intermediate ComplexityESMoceanographyFortranCC+++ 600Kernel LauncherDynamically compile GPU kernels and launch them easily and safely using C++ magic. Tight integration with Kernel Tuner results in blazing fast CUDA code that is maintainable and performance portable. auto-tuningCUDAGPU+ 2C++PythonCMake+ 320KMMKMM is a lightweight C++ middleware for accelerated computing.GPUHigh performance computingC++CMakeMakefile20NetCDF2LittleRAn application to convert NetCDF files to the Little-R formatFortranCMakePascal10OpenDAOpen data assimilation toolbox. OpenDA is an open interface standard for a set of tools to quickly implement data-assimilation and calibration for arbitrary numerical models.Optimized data handlingJavaFortranPython+ 2240OpenSim CreatorA UI for building OpenSim modelsbiomechanical engineeringopensimSimulationC++GLSLCMake+ 510PowerSensor3PowerSensor is a low-cost, custom-built device that measures the instantaneous power consumption of GPUs and other devices at a high time resolution.GPUHigh performance computingCC++Python+ 360QUICKLBQUICKLB is a very efficient library that sacrifices optimality for speed. It shines in distributed applications that have unpredictable unbalanced computational peaks in their domains.Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)FortranHigh performance computing+ 2FortranPythonCMake20ROOTAn open-source data analysis framework used by high energy physics and others.C++CJavaScript+ 25001234