Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsFeedback Sign inCtrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.Software HighlightsBrowse all HighlightsAll software1FilterClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords74Program languages69Licenses13121-12 of 33COPASICOPASI is an open source software for simulation and analysis of biochemical networks and their dynamics. It provides simulations using ODEs, SDEs, or Gillespie's stochastic simulation algorithm, with optional discrete events. COPASI provides several analyses, optimization, and parameter estimation.DynamicsoptimizationParameter estimation+ 3C++JavaFortran+ 17122577Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM)An open-source modelling framework for ice sheets and glaciersC++geophysicsGlacier+ 5C++PythonCMake+ 933745open-DARTSOpen Delft Advanced Research Terra Simulator is a simulation framework for forward and inverse modelling and uncertainty quantification of multi-physics (thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical) processes in geo-engineering applications as geothermal, CO2 sequestration, water pumping, and hydrogen storage.energy transitionenvironmental modellinggeothermal+ 3PythonC++Cuda+ 21335AMBERA real-time pipeline to search for Fast Radio Bursts and other transient radio sources.Big dataGPUHigh performance computing+ 1C++CMake325DALESDALES is a large-eddy simulation code designed for studies of the physics of the atmospheric boundary layer, including convective and stable boundary layers as well as cloudy boundary layers. FortranCTeX+ 82411FastMLCDetect clusters in for example large collections of DNA or protein sequences, and visualize the results in a web browser.Big dataMachine learningVisualizationC++CMakefile+ 5511AMUSECombine existing numerical codes in an easy to use Python framework. With AMUSE you can simulate objects such as star clusters, proto-planetary disks and galaxies.High performance computingMulti-scale & multi model simulationsWorkflow technologiesCFortranPython+ 26663D Slicer3D Slicer is a free, open source software for visualization, processing, segmentation, registration, and analysis of medical, biomedical, and other 3D images and meshes; and planning and navigating image-guided procedures.3D3DSlicerExtension+ 7C++PythonCMake+ 545MagnumPI - Potential IntegratorA package for the calculation of scattering angles and cross sections.Inter-operability & linked dataVisualizationC++MathematicaPython+ 265LUELUE is software for storing and manipulating large amounts of information for large numbers of objects. The software is useful, and currently mainly used, in the context of environmental modelling of biological and physical systems, represented by agents and fields.Agent-based modelingenvironmental modellingfield based modelling+ 6C++PythonCMake+ 634SlicerRTSlicerRT allows users to analyze spatio-temporal accumulation of the therapeutic dosage (radiation, thermal, etc.). Tools include dose visualization, quantitative metrics computation, comparison, and import/export to DICOM format.C++PythonCMake+ 133OpenMSOpenMS is an open-source software C++ library for LC-MS data management and analyses. It offers an infrastructure for rapid development of mass spectrometry related software. OpenMS is free software available under the three clause BSD license and runs under Windows, macOS, and Linux.C++mass spectrometrymetabolomics+ 1C++MAXScriptCython+ 13271123