Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsFeedback Sign inCtrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.Software HighlightsBrowse all HighlightsAll software1FilterClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords43Program languages39Licenses8121-12 of 37Paired omics data platformIf you do metabolomics experiments with mass spectra and have sequenced the genomes of the samples, then the platform can help you link them.Inter-operability & linked dataTypeScriptJavaScriptHTML+ 3299Vantage6An open-source platform for supporting the development of federated learning projectsfederated learninghealthcareprivacy preserving analysis+ 1PythonTypeScriptHTML+ 6845Research Software DirectoryA content management system for research software, which promotes the visibility, reuse, and impact of research software.FAIRResearch Software ImpactSoftware CitationTypeScriptJavaPLpgSQL+ 72538MDStudioA tool to run molecular dynamics workflows.High performance computingReal time data analysisWorkflow technologiesPythonCSSTypeScript+ 5410cffinitA web form to initialize CITATION.cff files which you can use to include citation information into your software repository.Software CitationTypeScriptVueJavaScript+ 374evidencedoc2vec-based assisted close reading with support for abstract concept-based search and context-based search TypeScriptGoJupyter Notebook+ 594PanVAVariant Analysis within Pangenomes.APIData AnalysispangenomicsVueTypeScriptPython+ 622tortelliniGitHub action to check whether any licensing issues exist for given software.TypeScriptJavaScript42IRIDAIntegrated Rapid Infectious Disease Analysis (IRIDA) platform is a user-friendly, distributed, open source bioinformatics and analytical web platform that was developed to support real-time infectious disease outbreak investigations using whole genome sequencing data. genomicsinfectious diseaseJavaJavaScriptTypeScript+ 631i-VRESSE workflow-builderNeed to write a complex config file then the i-VRESSE workflow builder might be the tool for you.Workflow technologiesTypeScriptPythonCSS+ 351LORISLongitudinal Online Research and Imaging System (LORIS) is a web-based data and project management software for neuroimaging research studies. It is an OPEN SOURCE framework for storing and processing behavioural, clinical, neuroimaging and genetic data. Computational Neurosciencedatabaseneuroimaging+ 3PHPJavaScriptTypeScript+ 981UmpleUmple allows generation of code in Java, PHP and other languages from a textual representation of UML state machines, associations and other modeling constructs, thus saving coding effortCode GenerationSoftware ModelingState Machines+ 1JavaJavaScriptGAP+ 171411234