Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsFeedback Sign inCtrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.All software1FilterClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords58Program languages59Licenses91237-48 of 54KMMKMM is a lightweight C++ middleware for accelerated computing.GPUHigh performance computingC++CMakeMakefile20kunefeA Python package that helps users run containerized applications on HPC systemsAgent-based modelingApptainercontainers+ 5PythonShellDockerfile10LLviewLLview is a set of software components to monitor clusters that are controlled by a resource manager and a scheduler system.High performance computingHPCMonitoring+ 2PerlPythonShell40LokumDeploy GlusterFS, Docker, Spark and JupyterHub services on bare-metal cluster.Big dataHigh performance computingOptimized data handlingPythonHCLShell+ 210m4maAn R package containing C++ implementations to speed up the simulation and parameter estimation of the Predictive Pedestrian model.geospatialHigh performance computingReal time data analysisC++RC50marzipanDeploying clusters of VMs on bare metal using OpenNebula, provisioning, and running services made easy by fully configurable scalable automationHigh performance computingPythonDockerfileSmarty+ 120OsmiumStart, stop and monitor applications remotely via a HTTP interface.High performance computingJavaAPI Blueprint20pararealThis package runs the parareal algorithm on a black-box simulator. Parallelisation is managed through Dask.High performance computingNumerical analysisCSSJupyter NotebookPython+ 520PowerSensor3PowerSensor is a low-cost, custom-built device that measures the instantaneous power consumption of GPUs and other devices at a high time resolution.GPUHigh performance computingCC++Python+ 360python-pclUse the industry-standard Point Cloud Library from within Python.Big dataHigh performance computingPythonC++Makefile+ 240QMCTorchUse and design neural network ansatz wave function for real-space quantum Monte Carlo simulations of molecular systems. Computational ChemistryGPUHigh performance computing+ 2PythonTeX20QUICKLBQUICKLB is a very efficient library that sacrifices optimality for speed. It shines in distributed applications that have unpredictable unbalanced computational peaks in their domains.Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)FortranHigh performance computing+ 2FortranPythonCMake2012345