
Software toolkit for rapid development of image-guided therapy systems - for minimally invasive medical procedures, where operators rely on computer-generated images rather than direct sight of the target organs.

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650 commitsLast commit ≈ 3 months ago97 stars70 forks

What SlicerIGT can do for you

Image-guided therapy (IGT) stands for medical procedures performed inside patients, where operators rely on computer-generated images rather than direct sight of the target organs. We are supporting IGT research by maintaining a software kit for rapid development of IGT applications. This software kit is SlicerIGT.

Main features

Builds on a dynamic platform
SlicerIGT is an extension of 3D Slicer, a free, open source software for visualization and image analysis. SlicerIGT can be installed from the 3D Slicer Extension Manager on Windows, Mac, and Linux to use all the advanced features of 3D Slicer for real-time navigation.

Development without coding
Modules of SlicerIGT are designed so you can configure a procedure-specific application without programming, or with minimal scripting. We have configured SlicerIGT to support many procedures including brain surgery, urology, regional anesthesia, and more…

SlicerIGT is open
Our development and research work is public, including source code, data, experiment protocols, manuals, etc. SlicerIGT is distributed under the BSD-style Slicer license allowing academic and commercial use without any restrictions.


SlicerAIGT: Deep learning software modules for image-guided medical procedures. Includes tools for data collection, training, and deployment from 3D Slicer. Source code

Logo of SlicerIGT
Programming languages
  • C++ 80%
  • Python 15%
  • CMake 5%
</>Source code

Participating organisations

Digital Research Alliance of Canada
Queen's University



Andras Lasso
Gabor Fichtinger
Principal Investigator
Queen's University

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