oTree Waiting Room

A load balancer for oTree servers.

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216 commitsLast commit ≈ 7 months ago0 stars0 forks

What oTree Waiting Room can do for you


Setup docker environment

Run multiple otree servers using docker compose. follow setup.

Download sources

Pull master from github

git clone https://github.com/obeliss-nlesc/otree-waiting-room.git

Install dependencies

The server runs on node version 20 or greater. Check your node version:

node -v

To install package dependencies

npm install

Setup .env

If using Docker (Docker setup) development environment, then run

node set_env.js > .env

to set the .env file. The script will scan the local docker images to get the IPs of the containers.

In other cases the .env file needs to be setup manually as an example like so:

SECRET_KEY="some secret in quotes"
API_KEY="some other secret in quotes"
URL_PASS="some SHA256 hashed secret in quotes"
  • POSTGRES_IPS: The POSTGRES server IPs comma separated.
  • OTREE_IPS: The OTREE server IPs comma separated.
  • POSTGRES_USER: The POSTGRES database username.
  • POSTGRES_DB: The POSTGRES database name used by oTree.
  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD: The POSTGRES user password.
  • OTREE_REST_KEY: The oTree REST KEY to access the oTree API.
  • SECRET_KEY: A secret key used to generate a waiting room URL signiture token.
  • API_KEY: An API key to access the admin REST API for the waiting room.
  • URL_PASS: A password used to access the waiting room info/helper pages. This password is created using the helper script create-url-password-hash.js

Setup experiments config.json file

The Server needs to know some details of the oTree experiments being hosted on the servers. These details are defined in a config.json file. An example is given below:

  "experiments": [
      "name": "guess_two_thirds",
      "enabled": false,
      "scheduler": {
        "type": "GatScheduler",
        "params": {
          "min": "3"
      "name": "public_goods_game",
      "enabled": true,
      "agreementTimeout": 10,
      "scheduler": {
        "type": "GatScheduler",
        "params": {
          "min": "3"

In the above two experiments are setup. name is the oTree given name of the experiment. enabled signals to the waiting-room to ignore and hence to not schedule the experiment. agreementTimeout is the timeout shown on the AGREE webpage. scheduler is what type of grouping scheduler to use. GatScheduler is the default Group by Arrival Time scheduler i.e. it will group people on a first come first serve bases. params are the scheduler specific parameters. In this case the GatScheduler only takes 1 parameter: min the number of people to group. Save this file as as a json file e.g. config.json

File database

By default the waiting room will save user details in a sqlite file database data/userdb.sqlite. A different file can be passed as a parameter using --db-file option when starting the server. The database stores the used urls i.e. urls that have alreaddy been used by a user. On restarting the server waiting room, these urls are removed from the list of available urls so that you would not redirect two or more users to the same url. To reset the database either delete the file while the server is down or start the server with --reset-db flag.

Start waiting room

To start server on a default port 8060 localhost

node server.js --port 8080 --config [PATH TO CONFIG.JSON]

A database is created by default in ./data/userdb.json which will save previous redirected urls. To reset the database start the server with --reset-db flag.

Generate test URLs

Use the helper URL path to generate tests URLS:


Or use the encode-url.js helper script to generate test urls.

node encode-url.js -n 5 -h localhost:8080

Query oTree servers

To list the URLs on the oTree servers use the helper tool sessions.js

List experiment urls

node sessions.js list [NAME]

List experiment sessions

node sessions.js list [NAME] --sessions

Count experiment URLs

node sessions.js list [NAME] --count

Create experiment sessions

To create session URLs for an experiment use the helper command sessions.js

Create session with N participants

node sessions.js create [NAME] --num [NUM OF PARTICIPANTS]

Simple info dashboard

The server comes with a simple info pages:

  • sessions: showing the number of available URLs, number of users and user ids per session. The info page is accessed through the following path:

[EXPERIMENT_NAME] is optional and without it, all experiments are shown.

E.g. for Experiment DropOutTest DropOutTest

  • queues: show the queues status of the different experiments including the number of users on the start page, queued, waiting, agreed, and redirected.

[EXPERIMENT_NAME] is optional and without it, all experiments are shown. E.g. Queues

Starting the server using PM2

To manage the server with pm2, first install pm2

npm install pm2 -g
pm2 start server.js -- --port 8080 --config [PATH TO CONFIG.JSON FILE]
pm2 list

To restart the server

pm2 restart server

Unit test

Under ./test/ there are several unit tests. These can be performed with the current command:

npm run test

Load testing

Under ./server_test there are scripts to stress test the server. Refer to the README for further information.

API documentation

API endpoints are documented using Postman and can be found here. API endpoints have a pre-request script postman-rest-pre-request-script.js that is added to all admin endpoints. For the script to run you have to add a Postman environment variable 'apiKey' with the value taken from the .env file generated earlier.

Programming languages
  • JavaScript 90%
  • HTML 9%
  • Shell 1%
</>Source code

Participating organisations

Netherlands eScience Center
Social Sciences & Humanities
Social Sciences & Humanities


Reggie Cushing
Reggie Cushing
Ewan Jacov Cahen
Ewan Jacov Cahen
Netherlands eScience Center

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