iReceptor Gateway

A Distributed Data Management System and Scientific Gateway for Mining Next Generation Sequence Data from Immune Responses.

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What iReceptor Gateway can do for you

What is iReceptor?

iReceptor is a data discovery platform that facilitates the curation, analysis and sharing of antibody/B-cell and T-cell receptor repertoires (Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoire or AIRR-seq data) from multiple labs and institutions. We are committed to providing a platform for researchers to increase the value of their data through sharing with the community. This will greatly increase the amount of data available to answer complex questions about the adaptive immune response, accelerating the development of vaccines, therapeutic antibodies against autoimmune diseases, and cancer immunotherapies. Visit the COVID-19 page for a list of curated COVID-19 AIRR-seq studies.

Our Approach

The iReceptor Gateway integrates large, distributed, AIRR-seq data repositories, following standards for sharing and interoperability developed by the Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoire (AIRR) Community. The main goal of iReceptor is to connect this distributed network of AIRR-seq repositories into an AIRR Data Commons, allowing queries across multiple projects, labs, and institutions.

Present functionalities include:

  • Search for repertoires satisfying certain metadata (e.g. find all AIRR-seq repertoires from ovarian cancer studies)
  • Search for all repertoires that contain specific CDR3 sequences
  • Search identified repertoires for sequences derived from particular V, D, and J genes and alleles
  • Download sequences from these repertoires in AIRR.tsv format, easily importable to other AIRR-seq analysis tools

iReceptor is a member of the iReceptor Plus Consortium. This project will expand the analysis tools available on the Gateway, including for single cell or systems immunology approaches, and add security for iReceptor Plus repositories.

Users of the iReceptor Gateway can search AIRR-seq data from studies on ovarian cancer, autoimmune diseases such as MS and SLE, and infectious diseases such as COVID-19 and HIV. Visit the iReceptor Studies page for a list of curated studies.


iReceptor Turnkey - Source code
iReceptor Service (PHP/MongoDB) - Source code
iReceptor Data Migration Service - Source code
iReceptor Database Service - Source code
iReceptor AIRR Mapping Configuration File - Source code
iReceptor Data Curation - Source code
ireceptor Monitor - Source code

Logo of iReceptor Gateway
Programming languages
  • PHP 50%
  • Blade 20%
  • Shell 19%
  • Python 9%
  • Perl 1%
  • R 1%
</>Source code

Participating organisations

Simon Fraser University
Canada Foundation for Innovation
Digital Research Alliance of Canada



Brian D. Corrie
Principal Investigator
The IRMACS Centre; Simon Fraser University; Burnaby BC Canada
Nishanth Marthandan
The IRMACS Centre; Simon Fraser University; Burnaby BC Canada
Bojan Zimonja
The IRMACS Centre; Simon Fraser University; Burnaby BC Canada
Jerome Jaglale
The IRMACS Centre; Simon Fraser University; Burnaby BC Canada
Yang Zhou
The IRMACS Centre; Simon Fraser University; Burnaby BC Canada
Emily Barr
The IRMACS Centre; Simon Fraser University; Burnaby BC Canada
Nicole Knoetze
The IRMACS Centre; Simon Fraser University; Burnaby BC Canada
Frances M. W. Breden
The IRMACS Centre; Simon Fraser University; Burnaby BC Canada
Scott Christley
Department of Clinical Sciences; University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center; Dallas TX USA
Jamie K. Scott
Deptartment of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry; Simon Fraser University; Burnaby BC Canada
Lindsay G. Cowell
Department of Clinical Sciences; University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center; Dallas TX USA
Felix Breden
Principal Ivestingator
The IRMACS Centre; Simon Fraser University; Burnaby BC Canada