
Command line interface to simulate an ASReview analysis using a variety of prior sampling strategies, classifiers, feature extractors, queriers, balancers, and stopping rules, all of which can be configured to run with custom parameterizations.

706 commits | Last commit 8 months ago

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What asreview-simulation can do for you


Command line interface to simulate an ASReview analysis using a variety of prior sampling strategies, classifiers, feature extractors, queriers, balancers, and stopping rules, all of which can be configured to run with custom parameterizations.


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testingUnit tests, mocked tests, and integration tests on combinations of operating system, ASReview version, and Python version
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# generate a virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv

# activate the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate

# install asreview-simulation and its dependencies
pip install git+

# or, if you need optional dependencies as well, e.g. 'doc2vec'
pip install asreview-simulation[doc2vec]@git+

Command line interface (CLI)

Print the help:

asreview simulation --help

Print the configuration:

asreview simulation print-settings

With pretty-printing:

asreview simulation print-settings --pretty

Start a simulation using the default combination of models (sam-random, bal-double, clr-nb, fex-tfidf, qry-max, stp-min), each using its default parameterization:

asreview simulation start --benchmark benchmark:van_de_Schoot_2017 --out ./project.asreview

Instead of a benchmark dataset, you can also supply your own data via the --in option, as follows:

asreview simulation start --in ./myfile.csv --out ./project.asreview
asreview simulation start --in ./myfile.ris --out ./project.asreview
asreview simulation start --in ./myfile.tsv --out ./project.asreview
asreview simulation start --in ./myfile.xlsx --out ./project.asreview

Using a different classifier strategy can be accomplished by using one of the clr-* subcommands before issuing the start subcommand, e.g.:

asreview simulation \
    clr-logistic \
    start --benchmark benchmark:van_de_Schoot_2017 --out ./project.asreview

Subcommands can be chained together, for example using the logistic classifier with the undersample balancer goes like this:

asreview simulation \
    clr-logistic \
    bal-undersample \
    start --benchmark benchmark:van_de_Schoot_2017 --out ./project.asreview

Most subcommands have their own parameterization. Check the help of a subcommand with --help or -h for short, e.g.:

asreview simulation clr-logistic --help

The above command will print:

Usage: asreview simulation clr-logistic [OPTIONS]

  Configure the simulation to use Logistic Regression classifier.

  --c FLOAT             Parameter inverse to the regularization strength of
                        the model.  [default: 1.0]
  --class_weight FLOAT  Class weight of the inclusions.  [default: 1.0]
  -f, --force           Force setting the querier configuration, even if that
                        means overwriting a previous configuration.
  -h, --help            Show this message and exit.

  This command is chainable with other commands. Chained commands are
  evaluated left to right; make sure to end the chain with the 'start'
  command, otherwise it may appear like nothing is happening.

  Please report any issues at:

Passing parameters to a subcommand goes like this:

asreview simulation \
    clr-logistic --class_weight 1.1 \
    start --benchmark benchmark:van_de_Schoot_2017 --out ./project.asreview

By using individually parameterized, chained subcommands we can compose a variety of configurations, e.g.:

asreview simulation \
    sam-random --n_included 10 --n_excluded 15            \
    fex-tfidf --ngram_max 2                               \
    clr-nb --alpha 3.823                                  \
    qry-max-random --fraction_max 0.90 --n_instances 10   \
    bal-double --a 2.156 --alpha 0.95 --b 0.79 --beta 1.1 \
    stp-nq --n_queries 20                                 \
    start --benchmark benchmark:van_de_Schoot_2017 --out ./project.asreview

Chained commands are evaluated left to right; make sure to end the chain with the start command, otherwise it may appear like nothing is happening.

Here is the list of subcommands:

start                  Start the simulation
print-benchmark-names  Print benchmark names
print-settings         Print settings
save-settings          Save settings
load-settings          Load settings
sam-handpicked         Handpicked prior sampler
sam-random             Random prior sampler
fex-doc2vec            Doc2Vec extractor
fex-embedding-idf      Embedding IDF extractor
fex-embedding-lstm     Embedding LSTM extractor
fex-sbert              SBERT extractor
fex-tfidf              TF-IDF extractor
clr-logistic           Logistic Regression classifier
clr-lstm-base          LSTM Base classifier
clr-lstm-pool          LSTM Pool classifier
clr-nb                 Naive Bayes classifier
clr-nn-2-layer         2-layer Neural Net classifier
clr-rf                 Random Forest classifier
clr-svm                Support Vector Machine classifier
qry-cluster            Cluster query strategy
qry-max                Max query strategy
qry-max-random         Mixed query strategy (Max and Random)
qry-max-uncertainty    Mixed query strategy (Max and Uncertainty)
qry-random             Random query strategy
qry-uncertainty        Uncertainty query strategy
bal-double             Double balancer
bal-simple             No balancer
bal-undersample        Undersample balancer
stp-none               No stopping rule
stp-nq                 Stop after a predefined number of queries
stp-rel                Stop once all the relevant records have been found
ofn-none               No objective function
ofn-wss                WSS objective function

Application Programming Interface (API)

For a full overview of the API, see tests/api/ and Here is an example:

import os
import tempfile
from asreviewcontrib.simulation.api import Config
from asreviewcontrib.simulation.api import OneModelConfig
from asreviewcontrib.simulation.api import prep_project_directory
from asreviewcontrib.simulation.api import run

# make a classifier model config using default parameter values given the model name
clr = OneModelConfig("clr-svm")

# make a query model config using positional arguments, and a partial params dict
qry = OneModelConfig("qry-max-random", {"fraction_max": 0.90})

# make a stopping model config using keyword arguments
stp = OneModelConfig(abbr="stp-nq", params={"n_queries": 10})

# construct an all model config from one model configs -- implicitly use default model choice
# and parameterization for models not included as argument (i.e. sam, fex, bal, ofn)
config = Config(clr=clr, qry=qry, stp=stp)

# arbitrarily pick a benchmark dataset
benchmark = "benchmark:Cohen_2006_ADHD"

# create a temporary directory and start the simulation
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="asreview-simulation.", dir=".")
output_file = f"{tmpdir}{os.sep}project.asreview"
project, as_data = prep_project_directory(benchmark=benchmark, output_file=output_file)
run(config, project, as_data)

For more examples, refer to tests/use_cases/

Participating organisations

Netherlands eScience Center
Utrecht University


Jurriaan H. Spaaks
Jurriaan H. Spaaks
Netherlands eScience Center
Abel Soares Siqueira
Abel Soares Siqueira
Research Software Engineer
Netherlands eScience Center

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