All projects
Detecting Anomalous Behavior in Stadium Crowds
Location analytics based on data collected with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth sensors in the Amsterdam ArenA
- Big data
SecConNet Smart
Smart, secure container networks for trusted big data sharing
- Optimized data handling
- Workflow technologies
Software analytics for the monitoring and assessment of the global impact of eScience software on...
- impact measurement
- research software
e-Visualization of Big Data
Interactive big data visualizations
- Visualization
Enabling Dynamic Services
Realizing the full potential of the Dutch e-Infrastructure
DIANNA - Deep Insight and Neural Networks Analysis
Explainable AI tool for scientists
- Explainable AI
- Machine learning
A Worldwide Source Code Index for Scientific Software FAIRness
- Inter-operability & linked data
Integrating Quantum Computers into a Radio Telescope
- Big data
- High performance computing
- Quantum Computing
Enabling Best Practices for Sustainable Software in the Natural & Engineering Sciences
- software sustainability
Adoption and maintenance of cffinit
Increase adoption by creating more hands-on tutorials, promoting the app on multiple platforms, and gathering more feedback.
- citation metadata
- Software Citation
Automated multi-scale graph manipulation with topological and flow-based methods
- Big data
- Data Analysis
- geospatial
- + 2
Verified construction of correct and optimised parallel software