Paradata in 3D Scholarship

Intellectual Transparency and Scholarly Argumentation in Digital Heritage

The Paradata in 3D Scholarship workshop will bringing together an interdisciplinary group of researchers and professionals from different fields, including heritage, information science, galleries, libraries, archives, museums, and organisations that develop services and standards for (3D) data. It will utilise an interactive, bottom-up, user-centred, design thinking approach, aiming at developing paradata standards and laying the groundwork to produce a prototype for paradata implementation.

Participating organisations

Netherlands eScience Center
Social Sciences & Humanities
Social Sciences & Humanities
Environment & Sustainability
Environment & Sustainability
Uppsala University
Maastricht University
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Victoria and Albert Museum
Smithsonian Institution
Lorentz Center


Carsten Schnober
Carsten Schnober
Lead RSE
Netherlands eScience Center
Costas Papadopoulos
Lead Applicant, Scientific organizer
Maastricht University
Niels  Drost
Programme Manager
Netherlands eScience Center
Isto Huvila
Scientific Organizer
Uppsala University
Trilce Navarrete
Scientific Organizer
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Kira Zumkley
Scientific Organizer
Victoria and Albert Museum
Vincent Rossi
Scientific Organizer
Smithsonian Institution, Digitisation Program Office
Maria Krebbers
Workshop coordinator
Lorentz Center

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Updated 1 month ago
In progress