A JASP implementation of the PROCESS macro for SPSS
PROCESS models in JASP
The end goal is to transform the way in which researchers and educators use PROCESS models in the social sciences. PROCESS models are a family of statistical models that feature moderation, mediation, or both, in various configurations. Highly popular throughout the social sciences, the current state of its main
implementation is below par; specifically, the main implementation of PROCESS is (a) in SPSS (a commercial, closed-source program); (b) as a catalogue of 57 models (a substandard educational approach); (c) as a frequentist methodology (foregoing the possible advantages of a Bayesian analysis); (d) without the ability to visually represent the estimated parameters of the models.
We aim to overcome the above limitations by implementing a modern approach to PROCESS models in JASP. The currently envisioned implementation consists of two complementary GUIs:
A Module Workflow for JASP
A JASP implementation of the PROCESS macro for SPSS