Open source dynamic Health Impact Assessment

Generic software to quantify the health impact of policies

Dynamo-HIA is a simulation-based tool that allows researchers or policymakers to quantify the impact of policies related to various risk factors. It helps answer questions such as: if a government increases taxes on cigarettes, resulting in fewer people smoking, what would happen to the prevalence of lung cancer, the average life-expectancy and associated health-care costs?

Dynamo-HIA finds its roots in an EU-funded project from 2010. This project, coordinated by Erasmus Medical Centre brought together various participating institutes, including RIVM who did most of the software development. Dynamo-HIA has been used for health impact assessment in many countries.

Although Dynamo-HIA was built by a team of both researchers and software developers, it was made in a time when open science, FAIR4RS and community building did not play a major role. Therefore, there is urgent need to improve the software sustainability and quality. This is the scope of the current project, funded by RIVM.

Participating organisations

National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
Wageningen University & Research
Netherlands eScience Center
Environment & Sustainability
Environment & Sustainability


Hendriek Boshuizen
Niels  Drost
Niels Drost
Programme Manager and Lead RSE
Netherlands eScience Center
Rena Bakhshi
Rena Bakhshi
Senior RSE
Netherlands eScience Center