BridgeDb and Wikidata

a powerful combination generating interoperable open research

Like humans have a unique social security number and different phone numbers from various providers, so do proteins and metabolites have a unique structure but different identifiers from various databases. BridgeDb is an interoperability platform that allows combining these databases, by matching database-specific identifiers. These matches are called identifier mappings, and they are indispensable when combining experimental (omics) data with knowledge in reference databases. BridgeDb takes care of this interoperability between gene, protein, metabolite, and other databases, thus enabling seamless integration of many knowledge bases and wet-lab results. Since databases get updated continuously, so should the Open Science BridgeDb project.

Participating organisations

Maastricht University


Egon Willighagen
Martina Kutmon
Helena Basaric

Related software

BridgeDb Java


Java library for identifier mapping

Updated 16 months ago
117 18

BridgeDb Webservice


REST API for identifier mapping

Updated 23 months ago