Victor Azizi
DALES is a large-eddy simulation code designed for studies of the physics of the atmospheric boundary layer, including convective and stable boundary layers as well as cloudy boundary layers.
- Fortran
- C
- TeX
- + 8
Duqtools is a tool for Dynamic Uncertainty Quantification for Tokamak reactor simulations modelling.
- fusion-reactor
- modelling
- python
- + 2
- Jupyter Notebook
- Python
- Shell
Rucio deployment for KM3NeT
This repository contains the Rucio deployment for KM3NeT. It can be used as an example of how to deploy Rucio.
- Big data
- High performance computing
This software is designed to run simulations of batteries with porous electrodes using porous electrode theory, which is a volume-averaged, multiscale approach to capture the coupled behavior of electrolyte and active material within electrodes
- Python
- Dockerfile
The Cornell-Holland Ab-initio Materials Package (CHAMP) is a quantum Monte Carlo suite of programs for electronic structure calculations. The code is developed by Claudia Filippi and Saverio Moroni, with significant contributions by Ravindra Shinde, N. Renaud, V. Azizi, E. Landinez, and S. Shepard.
- Chemistry
- High performance computing
- Physics
- + 1
- C
- Fortran
- Nemerle
- + 16
a Generalized Molecular Dynamics Analysis Tool
- analysis
- molecular dynamics
- python
- + 1
- Python
- Nix
SpeckleCn2Profiler revolutionizes satellite communication, combining SCIDAR and AI. By accurately estimating turbulence strength and refining signals, it ensures reliable performance in any environment. Dive into our repository and join the quest to transform optical links.
- Scientific machine learning
- Python
- Nix
CoupledNODE.jl is a SciML repository that extends NODEs (Neural Ordinary Differential Equations) to C-NODEs (Coupled Neural ODEs), providing a data-driven approach to modelling solutions for multiscale systems when exact solutions are not feasible.
- Julia Language
- Julia Package
- Machine learning
- + 1
- Julia
- Shell
The successor of UFEMISM, has all of its features (and more?), but is based on the distributed architecture introduced in minimism.
- Finite volume method
- ice sheet
- + 1
- Fortran
- Python
- + 6
A minimal distributed MPI port from UFEMISM, used as a basis for UFEMISM2.0
- Finite volume method
- ice sheet
- + 1
- Fortran
- Mathematica
- + 4
Imas2xarray is a python library for reading IMAS data in hdf5 format into xarray.
- fusion-reactor
- hdf5
- python
- + 1
- Jupyter Notebook
- Python
- Shell
Rucio policy package for KM3NeT
Package with custom policies for the Rucio instance of KM3NeT.
- Big data
- Data management