Erik Tjong Kim Sang
Analysis of social media messages
- Information Retrieval
- Text analysis & natural language processing
What Works When for Whom?
Advancing therapy change process research
- Machine learning
- Text analysis & natural language processing
Understanding Dutch public sentiment during the COVID-19 outbreak period by analyzing real-time...
- COVID-19
- Machine learning
- Text analysis & natural language processing
Technologically and socially feasible transition pathways for local energy system integration
- Data Analysis
- Optimized data handling
Advancing media history by transparent automatic genre classification
- Machine learning
- Text analysis & natural language processing
The eye of the beholder
Transparent pipelines for assessing online information quality
Automated Analysis of Online Behaviour on Social Media
Gaining insights in the use of Twitter by politicians and journalists
- Machine learning
- Text analysis & natural language processing
Recognizing Extracted Entities for the Historical Database Suriname Curacao
- Civil certificates
- Life course
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Historiographing the Era of the American Revolution
- American History
- Data
- Data Analysis
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Automation of the Cognitive Mapping Text-analysis Technique
Making sense of political speeches
- Machine learning
- Text analysis & natural language processing
Using generative machine learning for synthetic microdata for research in the Social Sciences
- Machine learning
- privacy preservation
- Statistics
Navigating Stories in Times of Transition
The COVID-19 Pandemic as a Use Case
- Computerized text analysis
- COVID-19
- Digital Story Grammar
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