Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsFeedback Sign inCtrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.OrganisationsItems1249–60 of 500The NetherlandsTNOThe Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research1software package6research projects United KingdomUniversity College LondonPremier research university located in London3software packages4research projects The NetherlandsLorentz CenterDutch workshop center that hosts international scientific meetings in all scientific disciplines.0software packages6research projects United KingdomMet OfficeUK's national weather service3software packages3research projects NetherlandsSURFnetDutch supplier of network services in the higher education and research sector0software packages6research projects United KingdomUniversity of ReadingResearch university offering a diverse range of academic programs.3software packages3research projects ItalyCMCCFoundation dedicated to climate change research and policy assessment1software package4research projects FranceCNRSThe French National Centre for Scientific Research is the largest governmental research organisation in France and the largest fundamental science agency in Europe.1software package4research projects SwitzerlandETH ZurichPublic research university in Zürich, Switzerland4software packages1research project The NetherlandsHartstichtingDutch Heart Foundation, dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke0software packages5research projects The NetherlandsHealth Holland0software packages5research projects GermanyHelmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-RossendorfResearch institution conducting interdisciplinary research in the fields of matter, health, and energy3software packages2research projects 1…456…42