Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsFeedback Sign inCtrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.Software HighlightsBrowse all HighlightsAll software1FilterClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords130Program languages44Licenses11Items121-12 of 90ESMValCoreESMValTool Core: core functionalities and driver for ESMValTool, a community diagnostic and performance metrics tool for routine evaluation of Earth System Models in CMIP.Big dataOptimized data handlingVisualization+ 1PythonJupyter NotebookHTML+ 550126NNPDFFitting proton substructure to observation data using neural networksMachine learningPDFPythonJupyter NotebookC+ 57120MS2DeepScoreDeep learning based similarity measure of mass spectrometry data.Jupyter NotebookPython2114GrainLearningUnsure about the parameters of your grains in a computer simulation? Use Iterative Bayesian Filtering to learn parameter distributions from limited data. Is your model running slowly? Speed up your simulations with machine-learning surrogates. All these features are integrated within GrainLearning.Bayesian InferenceData assimilationMachine learning+ 2Jupyter NotebookPythonPureBasic+ 1391ScholiaGraphical User Interface around Wikidata that uses SPARQL to collect dataWikidataJavaScriptPythonHTML+ 3472PROTEUSPROTEUS is a Python framework that simulates the coupled evolution of the atmospheres and interiors of rocky planets.Exoplanetsmodel couplingJupyter NotebookPythonJulia+ 11356QMflowsConstruction and efficient execution of computational chemistry workflows.Multi-scale & multi model simulationsWorkflow technologiesPythonJupyter NotebookShell353dtscalibrationA Python package to load raw Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) files, perform a calibration, and plot the result.calibrationDTSfiber optic+ 1PythonJupyter Notebook252Ersilia Model HubThe Ersilia Model Hub is an open source platform to serve AI/ML models for infectious disease drug discovery.AIChemistryDrug discovery+ 1PythonJupyter NotebookDockerfile+ 1337GSA reportGSAreport is an application to easily generate reports that describe the global sensitivities of your input parameters as best as possible. You can use the reporting application to inspect which features are important for a given real world function / simulator or model.Explainable AIMachine learningpython+ 1PythonHTMLCSS+ 1232laserchickenToolkit for preprocessing and feature calculation of point clouds created using airborne laser scanningBig dataMachine learningPythonJupyter Notebook1222swyftswyft is the official implementation of Truncated Marginal Neural Ratio Estimation, a hyper-efficient, simulation-based inference technique for complex data and expensive simulators.Bayesian InferenceData AnalysisJupyter NotebookPython52212345…8