Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsFeedback Sign inCtrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.All software1FilterClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords146Program languages76Licenses131261-72 of 97cleanXCleanX is an open-source python library for exploring, cleaning and augmenting large datasets of X-rays, or certain other types of radiological images.Image processingMachine learningJupyter NotebookPythonTeX+ 310ClinDIGClinDIG provides a federated data management and analysis solution for clinical and genomic data while to provide opportunity for distributed analysis centred on protecting patient privacy.clinicalfederatedgenomics+ 1PythonShellSmarty+ 520CrowdEDCrowdED is a two-staged statistical guideline for optimal crowdsourcing experimental design in order to a-priori estimate optimal workers and tasks' assignment to obtain maximum accuracy on all tasks.Citizen ScienceCrowdsourcingData SimulationPythonRDockerfile20cvaslThis library allows exploration and analyses of neuroimaging datsets. The software was developed to allow implementation of multiple large data harmonization and machine learning algorithms over neuroradiology datasets. The core algorithms are implemented in Python.Jupyter NotebookPythonR+ 300cwltoolThe reference implementation of the Common Workflow Language standardsCommonWLCWLSciWorkflowsPythonCommon Workflow LanguageShell+ 470eEcology-SMS-recieverIf you have birds flying around carrying UvA-BiTS trackers, then this software can save the SMS messages containing the bird's last known positions which are sent by the tracker to the UvA Bird tracking system's central database.Real time data analysisPythonPerlMako+ 110eitprocessingeitprocessing is an open source collaborative python library for the processing and analysis of electrical impedance tomography for clinical use.Jupyter NotebookPythonDockerfile30grpc4bmiRun, read and write model state of a numerical simulation written in a variety of languages remotely from PythonMulti-scale & multi model simulationsPythonC++Dockerfile+ 530iBridgesA wrapper around the python-irodsclient to allow for easy interaction with iRODS servers for research software engineers to integrate compute wokflows and data management.Data managementiRODSMetadata Management+ 1PythonJupyter NotebookDockerfile+ 220kunefeA Python package that helps users run containerized applications on HPC systemsAgent-based modelingApptainercontainers+ 5PythonShellDockerfile10LaserfarmLaserfarm: Laserchicken Framework for Applications in Research in Macroecology. Leverage Laserchicken in distributed fashion to use continental scale point cloud datasets for research. PythonJupyter NotebookDockerfile50leakybucketA Python BMI leaky bucket model 🪣Jupyter NotebookPythonDockerfile301…56789