Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsFeedback Sign inCtrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.All software1FilterClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords105Program languages76Licenses161237-48 of 59GameBus FHIR LayerEnable FHIR service for GameBus and beyondData HarmonizationFHIRhealthcare+ 1JavaDockerfileShell51GeodisyGeodisy is a research data discovery tool that harvests information from existing research data repositories and displays applicable records onto a map-based search interface.geospatialmetadataresearch dataJavaRubyXSLT+ 611IRIDAIntegrated Rapid Infectious Disease Analysis (IRIDA) platform is a user-friendly, distributed, open source bioinformatics and analytical web platform that was developed to support real-time infectious disease outbreak investigations using whole genome sequencing data. genomicsinfectious diseaseJavaJavaScriptTypeScript+ 631PhenoTipsPhenoTips is a software tool that makes it easy for clinicians and researchers to draw pedigrees and collect structured phenotype data for patients with genetic disorders. APIdeep phenotypinggenogram+ 6JavaJavaScriptHTML+ 421RocketRocket is a framework for efficient execution of all-pair applications on heterogeneous platforms.Big dataGPUHigh performance computing+ 1JavaCudaC+++ 211UmpleUmple allows generation of code in Java, PHP and other languages from a textual representation of UML state machines, associations and other modeling constructs, thus saving coding effortCode GenerationSoftware ModelingState Machines+ 1JavaJavaScriptGAP+ 17141BlueObelisk EuclidA library of numeric, geometric and XML routinesJavaHTML00BridgeDb WebserviceREST API for identifier mappingpersistent identifiersREST APIwebserviceJavaHTMLJavaScript+ 120CMLXOMJava library for working with Chemical Markup Language files.Chemical Markup LanguageChemistryXMLJavaXSLTHTML+ 120ICOS data repositoryThe ICOS Portal app is a FAIR linked data repository for metadata and data. In first instance primarily targeted at hosting the high quality data from ICOS. The repository is optimized for machine to machine communication. Instances in production now for ICOS, Swedish SITES and ICOS Cities networks.DataInter-operability & linked datametadata+ 3ScalaJavaScriptHTML+ 300NunaliitThe Nunaliit Atlas Framework aims to make it easy to tell stories and highlight relationships between many different forms of information from a variety of sources, using maps as a central way to connect and interact with the data.atlascartographydatabase+ 6JavaScriptJavaHTML+ 910OBiBa AgateAgate is a web application that offers users related services to the OBiBa software stack.authenticationEpidemiologyJavaFreeMarkerJavaScript+ 68012345