Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsFeedback Sign inCtrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.All software0FiltersClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords687Program languages131Licenses35Items1261-72 of 513 PanToolsPanTools is a pangenomic toolkit for comparative analysis of large number of genomes. It is developed in the Bioinformatics Group of Wageningen University, the Netherlands. Please cite the relevant publication(s) from the list of publications if you use PanTools in your research.Data AnalysisGene classificationpangenomicsJavaSnakemakePython+ 1331GSA reportGSAreport is an application to easily generate reports that describe the global sensitivities of your input parameters as best as possible. You can use the reporting application to inspect which features are important for a given real world function / simulator or model.Explainable AIMachine learningpython+ 1PythonHTMLCSS+ 1229HyperCannyFinds edges in high-dimensional data using the Canny algorithm.Data Analysisedge detectionHigh performance computingC++CPython+ 3126AHN2 pointcloud viewerA web application able to visualize the AHN2 point cloud data of the Netherlands. Big dataReal time data analysisVisualizationJavaScriptHTMLCSS+ 1325AMBERA real-time pipeline to search for Fast Radio Bursts and other transient radio sources.Big dataGPUHigh performance computing+ 1C++CMake325APEA CLI, Java API and RESTful API for the automated generation of computational pipelines (scientific workflows) from large collections of computational tools.JavaProgram synthesisWorkflow technologiesJavaANTLR525AHN point cloud viewer web serviceA web service to serve large point cloud data efficiently using octrees. Big dataVisualizationJavaPython224LitStudyExplore scientific literature using Python from the comfort of a Jupyter notebookInter-operability & linked dataText analysis & natural language processingVisualizationPythonHTML724OMUSEA Python environment to interface and couple oceanographic and other earth system model codes.High performance computingMulti-scale & multi model simulationsFortranPythonHTML+ 10824laserchickenToolkit for preprocessing and feature calculation of point clouds created using airborne laser scanningBig dataMachine learningPythonJupyter Notebook1222MUSCLE3MUSCLE3 is a coupling library for building multiscale simulations out of single-scale models.High performance computingMulti-scale & multi model simulationsFortranC++Python+ 4422swyftswyft is the official implementation of Truncated Marginal Neural Ratio Estimation, a hyper-efficient, simulation-based inference technique for complex data and expensive simulators.Bayesian InferenceData AnalysisJupyter NotebookPython5221…567…43