Virtual Health Gateway

The Virtual Health Gateway is a platform that facilitates direct, consistent, and standardized capture of diverse data types from research study participants in real-world settings.


What Virtual Health Gateway can do for you

The Virtual Health Gateway (VHG) is a unified system integrating patient-derived data
across platforms and projects.

Through discussions with Canadian researchers, we determined that there is a growing
demand for platforms that integrate data, not only from research instruments (e.g.,
medical imaging equipment), but also from patients who are in non-controlled settings.
Non-controlled settings provide researchers with an opportunity to study real-world and
long-term health outcomes.

The use of data generated through wearable devices, mobile devices, or online
collection of patient-reported experiences and outcomes, presents numerous data
management challenges. These include the requirements for advanced privacy and
security controls and systems, technical issues associated with complex data sources
(e.g., streamed data), and integration with data collected in other contexts.
The Virtual Health Gateway is a platform that facilitates direct, consistent, and
standardized capture of diverse data types from research study participants in real-
world settings. The solution builds on previous CANARIE-funded work (Researcher
Portal for Secure Data Discovery, Access, and Collaboration) which enables
researchers to collect, manage, analyze, and share their study data by introducing
participant engagement tools, processes, and interfaces.

Once integrated, the Virtual Health Gateway will not only allow participant information
and data to be shared with researchers and clinicians, but also with study participants
and caregivers. This can ultimately improve overall participant engagement and
empower them throughout the research process.

Participating organisations

Indoc Research
Digital Research Alliance of Canada


Contact person


Kenneth Evans

Principal Investigator
Mail Kenneth
Kenneth Evans
Principal Investigator
Mojib Javadi
Indoc Research
Shahab Shahnazari
Indoc Research

Related software

Research Portal for Secure Data Discovery, Access, and Collaboration


A Research Portal that can address these different usage models, while serving as website and gateway for authorized researchers to capture, query, and visualize patient data; communicate, collaborate and share datasets; and access support and training resources. platforms.

Updated 22 months ago