
nedextract is a python library that helps you to extract information on person names and organisations mentioned in Dutch (annual report) PDF files.

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What nedextract can do for you


nedextract is developed to extract specific information from annual report PDF files that are written in Dutch. Currently it tries to do the following:

  • Read the PDF file, and perform Named Entity Recognition (NER) using Stanza to extract all persons and all organisations named in the document, which are then processed by the processes listed below.

  • Extract persons: using a rule-based method that searches for specific keywords, this module tries to identify:

    • Ambassadors

    • People in important positions in the organisation. The code tries to determine a main job description (e.g. director or board) and a sub-job description (e.g. chairman or treasurer). Note that these positions are identified and outputted in Dutch.
      The main jobs that are considered are:

      • directeur
      • raad van toezicht
      • bestuur
      • ledenraad
      • kascommissie
      • controlecommisie

      The sub positions that are considered are:

      • directeur
      • voorzitter
      • vicevoorzitter
      • lid
      • penningmeester
      • commissaris
      • adviseur

    For each person that is identified, the code searches for keywords in the sentences in which the name appears to determine the main position, or the sentence directly before or after that. Subjobs are determine based on words appearing directly before or after the name of a person for whom a main job has been determined. For the main jobs and sub positions, various ways of writing are considered in the keywords. Also before the search for the job-identification starts, name-deduplication is performed by creating lists of names that (likely) refer to one and the same person (e.g. Jane Doe and J. Doe).

  • Extract related organisations:

    • After Stanza NER collects all candidates for mentioned organisations, postprocessing tasks try to determine which of these candidates are most likely true candidates. This is done by considering: how often the terms is mentioned in the document, how often the term was identified as an organisation by Stanza NER, whether the term contains keywords that make it likely to be a true positive, and whether the term contains keywords that make it likely to be a false positive. For candidates that are mentioned only once in the text, it is also considered whether the term by itself (i.e. without context) is identified as an organisation by Stanza NER. Additionally, for candidates that are mentioned only once, an extra check is performed to determine whether part of the candidate org is found to be a in the list of orgs that are already identified as true, and whether that true org is common within the text. In that case the candidate is found to be 'already part of another true org', and not added to the true orgs. This is done, because sometimes an additional random word is identified by NER as being part of an organisation's name.
    • For those terms that are identified as true organisations, the number of occurrences in the document of each of them (in it's entirety, enclosed by word boudaries) is determined.
    • Finally, the identified organisations are attempted to be matched on a list of provided organisations using the anbis argument, to collect their rsin number for further analysis. An empty file ./Data/Anbis_clean.csv is availble that serves as template for such a file. Matching is attempted both on currentStatutoryName and shortBusinessName. Only full matches (independent of capitals) and full matches with the additional term 'Stichting' at the start of the identified organisation (again independent of capitals) are considered for matching. Fuzzy matching is not used here, because during testing, this was found to lead to a significant amount of false positives.
  • Classify the sector in which the organisation is active. The code uses a pre-trained model to identify one of eight sectors in which the organisation is active. The model is trained on the 2020 annual report pdf files of CBF certified organisations.

No keywords available
Programming languages
  • Python 84%
  • Jupyter Notebook 16%
</>Source code

Participating organisations

Netherlands eScience Center
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Centraal Bureau Fondsenwerving


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Updated 27 months ago