Medical Image Processing in Python

This lesson introduces some specifics of medical image processing with popular Python libraries such as SimpleITK, Pydicom and NiBabel. Reconstruction algorithms, image and DICOM anonymization, registration, segmentation, data augmentation and generative AI are covered.

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What Medical Image Processing in Python can do for you

Medical Image Processing in Python
This lesson gives an introduction to some classic medical image processing problems with popular Python libraries for medical image processing e.g. SimpleITK, NiBabel and Pydicom.

Teaching this lesson?
Do you want to teach any of this material? This material is open-source and freely available. We would love to help you prepare to teach the lesson and receive feedback on how it could be further improved, based on your experience in the workshop.

You can notify us that you plan to teach this lesson by creating an issue in our repository.

Target Audience
The main audience of this carpentry lesson is PhD students, post-docs and other researchers without deep software engineering experience with medical images.

We welcome all contributions to improve the lesson! Maintainers will do their best to help you if you have any questions, concerns, or experience any difficulties along the way.

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