FAIR Data Point Client

fairdatapoint-client is a simple and elegant library to interact with FAIR Data Point resources from Python, e.g. read and write catalogs, datasets and distributions in an FDP server.

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37 commitsLast commit ≈ 36 months ago0 stars1 fork

What FAIR Data Point Client can do for you

Provides Python interface to read and write catalogs, datasets and distributions in an FDP server

fairdatapoint-client enable you to interact with your resources (catalogs/datasets/distributions) in a FDP using python.
The supported APIs are listed below:
FDP Layers Path Endpoint Specific Resource Endpoint
fdp [baseURL] or [baseURL]/fdp
catalog [baseURL]/catalog [baseURL]/catalog/[catalogID]
dataset [baseURL]/dataset [baseURL]/dataset/[datasetID]
distribution [baseURL]/distribution [baseURL]/distribution/[distributionID]

No keywords available
Programming languages
  • Python 97%
  • Makefile 3%
</>Source code

Participating organisations

Netherlands eScience Center


Related software

FAIR Data Point


RESTful web service that enables data owners to expose their data sets using rich machine-readable metadata.

Updated 32 months ago
113 6